Security products round-up ? November 2020
23 NOV 2020 | Industry NewsIFSEC Global takes readers through the latest product launches and updates to hit the security market in Novem...
The Video Surveillance Report 2020
20 NOV 2020 | Industry NewsA lot has changed in the world since last year’s IFSEC Global Video Surveillance Report. The security industry...
Software-as-a-Service is growing across security...
19 NOV 2020 | Industry NewsAlexander Holmstrom, Global Sales Director, Vanderbilt Industries, explains the benefits to integrators and en...
Why physical security should learn from the cybe...
16 NOV 2020 | Industry NewsPeter George, CEO at Evolv Technology, writes for Dark Reading on what the physical security sector can learn ...
What to do if your business suffers a data breac...
12 NOV 2020 | Exhibitor NewsWhile prevention is the best form of defence, all businesses are ultimately susceptible to cyber-attacks if a ...
The next phase in video redaction and data prote...
09 NOV 2020 | Industry NewsIFSEC Global hears from Gary Trotter, co-founder of Ocucon, on the importance of complying with data regulatio...
Drive towards pedestrianisation of cities leavin...
05 NOV 2020 | Exhibitor NewsArchitects have warned that security is being seen as an ‘afterthought’ in the city pedestrianisation drive, w...
Are face masks enough to protect security and re...
02 NOV 2020 | Exhibitor NewsDr. Boghos Boghossian, CTO and Co-founder at Ipsotek, explains why the AI tech now available to retailers and ...
What’s on your enterprise network? You might be ...
30 OCT 2020 | Exhibitor NewsThe strangest connected devices are showing up, and the threats they pose to security should not be overlooked...
IFSEC Tech Talks: Axis Communications ? Friction...
28 OCT 2020 | Exhibitor NewsAxis Communications: Frictionless access control Solutions
IFSEC Tech Talks: Secure Logiq ? Logiqal Healthc...
26 OCT 2020 | Exhibitor NewsSecure Logiq: Logiqal Healthcheck Pro
IFSEC Tech Talks: Lorenz Technology ? AI-Link an...
23 OCT 2020 | Industry NewsLorenz Technology: Lorenz AI-Link and Lorenz Hive
Smart cities are all well and good, but how can ...
21 OCT 2020 | Industry NewsGerry Dunphy, Event Director of IFSEC and FIREX International, explores why the benefits that smart cities are...
Security products round-up ? September 2020
19 OCT 2020 | Industry NewsIFSEC Global takes readers through the latest product launches and updates to hit the security market in Septe...
A guide to the NIST Cyber Security Framework
16 OCT 2020 | Exhibitor NewsJust before lockdown it was reported that 46% of UK businesses had suffered cyber attacks in 2019, up 9% from ...
Fire door hardware: What you need to know
14 OCT 2020 | Industry NewsProtecting a building from the spread of smoke and fire is vital to allow safe evacuation of occupants. Here, ...
Can thermal imaging take the heat out of the cor...
12 OCT 2020 | Industry NewsJulian Hall takes a look at recent news stories highlighting the use of thermal imaging technology in detectin...
Defeating shoplifters: Your ‘prevent and deter’ ...
08 OCT 2020 | Industry NewsSourced from a variety of industry experts, including a former Met Detective Chief Inspector, Hunter Seymour o...
“Remote servicing is only set to increase”, says...
07 OCT 2020 | Industry NewsRemote service is nothing new for the security industry, but it is likely to accelerate during the coronavirus...
Facial recognition ? “Its public use must be leg...
05 OCT 2020 | Industry NewsGerry Dunphy explores the use of facial recognition technology, discussing the responses of over 450 security ...
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